
Norway Reaches Milestone: Electric Cars ...

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Norway Reaches Milestone: Electric Cars Outnumber Gasoline Vehicles

In a groundbreaking development, Norway has achieved a significant milestone in its journey towards a sustainable future. For the first time, the number of electric cars on Norwegian roads has surpassed the number of gasoline-powered vehicles. This historic shift underscores Norway's leadership in the global transition to electric mobility.


According to an analysis by Bilbransje24, a Norwegian auto industry publication, and data from Norway’s Road Traffic Information Council (Opplysningsrådet for Veitrafikken, OFV), the country now boasts 751,450 electric cars in service, compared to 755,244 petrol-only cars. With electric vehicles (EVs) selling at a rate of approximately 10,000 per month, and petrol-only cars at a mere few hundred, the crossover point was inevitable.


Norway has long been at the forefront of the electric vehicle revolution, with an impressive 94% market share for new EV sales in August 2024. The country aims to end sales of new gasoline cars by 2025, a target it is well on track to meet. This achievement is a testament to Norway's robust policies and incentives promoting electric vehicles, making it a model for other nations aiming to reduce their carbon footprint.


While diesel vehicles still remain the most common on Norwegian roads, with just over a million in service, their numbers are also declining. The rapid growth of electric vehicles is outpacing the decline of diesel, indicating a strong shift towards cleaner transportation options.


This milestone is not just a win for Norway but a significant indicator of the global shift towards sustainable transportation. As more countries adopt similar policies and incentives, the world can look forward to a greener, more sustainable future.


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